Blogs & News

Skateboarding bei den Olympischen Spielen: Alles, was du wissen musst

Skateboarding bei den Olympischen Spielen: Alle...

Bei den Olympischen Spielen gibt's zwei Skateboarding-Disziplinen: Street und Park. Im Street-Bereich zeigen Skater ihre Tricks an Hindernissen wie Treppen und Geländern, während sie im Park in einer speziell gebauten...

Skateboarding bei den Olympischen Spielen: Alle...

Bei den Olympischen Spielen gibt's zwei Skateboarding-Disziplinen: Street und Park. Im Street-Bereich zeigen Skater ihre Tricks an Hindernissen wie Treppen und Geländern, während sie im Park in einer speziell gebauten...

Olympia 2024: Skateboard kehrt zurück ins Programm

Olympics 2024: Skateboarding Returns to the Pro...

The 2024 Olympic Games in Paris bring exciting news for skateboarding fans: Skateboarding is back in the program! From July 27 to August 7, the competitions will take place at...

Olympics 2024: Skateboarding Returns to the Pro...

The 2024 Olympic Games in Paris bring exciting news for skateboarding fans: Skateboarding is back in the program! From July 27 to August 7, the competitions will take place at...

Inline-Skating für Anfänger

Inline skating for beginners

Immerse yourself in the world of inline skating with these simple tricks! Our article will guide you through basic techniques such as the T-stop, parallel turn, bunny hop, slalom and...

Inline skating for beginners

Immerse yourself in the world of inline skating with these simple tricks! Our article will guide you through basic techniques such as the T-stop, parallel turn, bunny hop, slalom and...

Skating Tricks für Anfänger

Skating tricks for beginners

Discover the basics of squad skating with your friends! In this article, you will learn simple but impressive tricks like the cross step, backsliding, spins, slalom and the bunny hop....

Skating tricks for beginners

Discover the basics of squad skating with your friends! In this article, you will learn simple but impressive tricks like the cross step, backsliding, spins, slalom and the bunny hop....

Skateboarding Anfänger Guide

Skateboarding Beginners Guide

Skateboarding is not just a sport, it's a lifestyle and a form of expression, especially for young people. This article introduces the basic skateboarding tricks that every beginner should master....

Skateboarding Beginners Guide

Skateboarding is not just a sport, it's a lifestyle and a form of expression, especially for young people. This article introduces the basic skateboarding tricks that every beginner should master....